Constructing a More Active Role - The Norm-Shift and the Rise of Activism in Japan's Security Policy after the Cold War

Constructing a More Active Role
The Norm-Shift and the Rise of Activism in Japan's Security Policy after the Cold War


Hiromi Nagata Fujishige 藤重 博美 著
264 pages / Tax included 3,647 yen



This thesis analyses Japan's security policy concerning the rising activism after the Cold War. In contrast to the traditional reluctance after World War II, Japan has become more and more willing to use its military power in the post-Cold War era. Today, Japan's Self Defence Forces (SDF) participate in peacekeeping operations and take a greater responsibility not only for East Asian regional stability but also more broadly for global security issues. Why has such a tremendous turn in the course of security policy been possible? Material considerations alone cannot lead us to convincing explanations for seemingly 'irrational' features of national security policy. Hence, the study employs a constructivist approach that pays attention to ideational factors as well as material calculations. Inter alia, it focuses on the 'military norm,' i.e. a social expectation of an appropriate state behaviour regarding the use of military power.
I will argue that the rise of two positive (encouraging) military norms (the Liberal Order and the Self-Defence Norms) has gradually overwhelmed the traditional negative (prohibiting) norm (the Anti-Military Norm) since the early 1990s and has firmly established the dominance by the mid-2000s. After the Cold War, (omitted below)

List of Abbreviations
List of Figures and Tables

Chapter 1:
    Introduction, Analytical Framework and Methodology
Chapter 2:
    Transnational Norm before and after the End of the Cold War
Chapter 3:
    Japan's National Norm after WWII 1945-1990:
    The Era of the Anti-Military Norm
Chapter 4:
    Japan's National Norm after the Cold War 1990-1993:
    The Era of the International Concert Norm
Chapter 5:
    Japan's National Norm after the Cold War 1993-2000:
    The Era of the Regional Stability Norm
Chapter 6:
    Japan's National Norm after the Cold War 2001-2006:
    The Era of the Global Security Norm
Chapter 7: